International Charitable Foundation "NUCLEUS" was founded in October 1998 by citizens of Ukraine and Bavaria/Germany/and with the assistance of a number of organizations of both countries, including the Ukrainian Medical Center for the Rehabilitation of Children with Organic Damage of the Nervous System of the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine (Kyiv), "Kindercenter" (Munich), Ministry of Labor, Social Protection, Family, Women and Health Care of Bavaria.

The mission, launched twenty-five years ago, has made a significant contribution to the development of social pediatrics in Ukraine. Several generations of doctors and social workers received the knowledge that came from the world and European professional communities, and also introduced new partnership trends in the medical, social and pedagogical spheres. Open minded people, with kind souls and big hearts, having knowledge and experience, spread love and humanism in society.

Promoting development of health care in Ukraine, creating a system of medical and preventive measures aimed at preventing disability of children, introducing a modern system of medical and social rehabilitation of children with pathology of the nervous system.

About the Foundation

Main tasks of NUCLEUS ICF

• physical and psychological development: adaptation/rehabilitation of children from de-occupied territories, children from low-income families, children with peculiarities of physical and psychological development, children of military personnel and orphans

• implementation of training programs for internships of specialists - children's neurologists, psychologists, teachers-defectologists, speech therapists, exercise therapy physicians, orthopedists on aspects of medical and social rehabilitation of children with pathology of the nervous system

• assistance in equipping specialized centers with modern diagnostic and rehabilitation equipment, which is produced by leading firms in Ukraine and other countries

Ukraine has faced many challenges on the way to development, including the economic crisis and the pandemic. But now a war has come to the country, which has created a tragedy for the entire Ukrainian people. It took the lives of many thousands of people, including children and civilians. Thousands of children were left orphaned, millions of families were left without housing and means of livelihood.

Main activities of NUCLEUS ICF

The foundation's team opened new directions:

  • Cars for sanitary evacuation
  • Energy independence: generators, charging stations
  • Medical equipment
  • Communication equipment
  • Ammunition
  • Food
Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a guarantee of security of Ukraine and the European Union

Urgent assistance to certain units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Territorial Defense Forces
Delivery of humanitarian aid:

  • For those who have lost their homes
  • For low-income people
  • Large families
  • Orphanages and children's hospitals
Territorial communities are the basis of society.

Assistance to the communities of the Kyiv region, most affected by the fighting and occupation of the russian federation. Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel, Horenka, Moschun.

The Foundation invites participation from businesses and public organizations, and their individual members.

Partner programs:

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